It's one of the longest running festivals in the...
August / September 2003
Exhibit This! Docs Demand Screentime Aug/Sep 2003
We devote this issue to the many permutations of exhibition, and the many issues and challenges involved.

Nothing epitomizes the challenges confronting a...
In 1998, when production began on Bonhoeffer ( www...
Mark Moskowitz was in one of the last remaining...
For a filmmaker, there's nothing like watching one...
Celebrating Cinerama: The Birth, Death and Seeming Resurrection of the First Ultra-Widescreen Format
"One night in 1997, I was watching a documentary...
Digital projection of video has been with us for...
Last year Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine...
One of the most eagerly awaited documentaries of...
The bigger the image, the bigger the impact," says...
Documentary shorts (40 minutes or less) represent...
American Splendor, a feature film written and...
While it's been refreshing over the past year to...
By RayZone
By MichaelDonaldson