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IDA Enterprise and Pare Lorentz Funds Open Call May 29 - June 25, 2024.

 The image used in the flyer is a film still from Enterprise Documentary Fund 2022 grantee Our Hoolocks.

This year, we are streamlining our grant applications into one open call!

Using the same Core Application questions, you can apply to IDA's Enterprise Documentary Fund and Pare Lorentz Fund simultaneously. A few questions will be specific to each Fund, but all other questions will be used for both applications. Learn more about the Open Call here.

The theme for the 2024 Pare Lorentz Fund will be Gender Justice. We are leaving the theme broad and open to interpretation on purpose. Though this Fund was historically only available to US makers, this year, the Fund is open to artists worldwide. Similar to last year, Pare Lorentz will also be selecting one immersive nonfiction project for the 3-project cohort.

The Open Call application is now closed. If you are an IDA Member and have requested an extension, please log into the member portal.


To Apply:

  1. First, review all eligibility requirements for the grant(s) you intend to apply to.
  1. Click on the “Open Call Application” button above to enter the application portal on Jotform.
  2. As you fill out the 2024 Open Call application, you can save it and return to it as often as needed until you are ready to submit it. To complete the application you will need your general project and applicant information, a comprehensive expense budget, a work sample, and demographic information for one key creative team member, if you wish to complete the optional demographic questions. To preview the application questions without opening the application portal, click here
  3. Applicants must submit a link to a streaming version of their captioned visual work sample for the current project they are applying with. For more requirements on this work sample, please review the 2024 Open Call Application Questions.

Submission Portal

If you need additional assistance or an alternative way of submitting the application, please contact

We welcome applications from all IDA members and non-members. A user account is not necessary. This year, grant applications are accepted and processed through You do not need to create an account with Jotform to submit the application. However, we recommend making an account, because it will be easier to access your application draft.  

How to Create a Jotform Account:

At the bottom of the Open Call application, select “Save.” Then Select, “Sign up with email” and enter your Name, Email, and password. You will then be able to save your application in your new Jotfrom account.

How to Save Your Application Without a Jotform Account:

If you do not create a Jotform account and wish to save your draft, you will have the option to request an email with a link to your application draft. At the bottom of the form, select “Save”, then “Skip Create an Account.” You can then enter your email and select “Send” and you will receive an email with the link to your draft. The email will come from the email address, noreply@formresponse.comIf this link is lost and you don’t have an account, there is nothing we can do to recover your application draft.

IDA Membership logins will not work for the application on Jotform. If you are experiencing a problem logging onto Jotform, please reset your password through the main Jotform login page.

Key Dates & Guidelines

Open Call Begins: May 29, 2024
Deadline for non-IDA members: June 25, 2024
Deadline for IDA members: July 9, 2024. Please fill out the form in the IDA Membership Portal to request your member extension by June 25, 2024.

  • To preview the application questions, please click here.
  • For guidelines on how to Apply to Enterprise, please click here.
  • For guidelines on how to Apply to Pare Lorentz, please click here.

Open Call Applications Office Hours (Live Q&As)

International Office Hours - Open Call Information and Q&A
Tuesday, June 4, 2024 | 7:30 - 9 am PT | View Event Page

Member Office Hours - Open Call “Workshop” - FOR MEMBERS ONLY
Thursday, June 13, 2024 | 10 - 11 am PT | View Event Page

Open Call Info Video Series

Please find a list of resources mentioned in the Info Video Series here

Phone Calls to IDA Funds

Once the Open Call starts, we tend to get more phone calls than we can return. Please avoid leaving a message, as we will be able to get back to you much faster over email -

If you need to speak to someone as an accommodation, feel free to leave a message or email the request.


The Open Call application is now closed. If you are an IDA Member and have requested an extension, please log into the member portal.