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SnagFilms Offers Memorial Day Viewing Slate

By IDA Editorial Staff

In honor of Memorial Day 2009 the fine film experts at SnagFilms are paying tribute to the U.S.' fallen soldiers by bringing attention to a unique slate of documentaries, including Return To Tarawa, Nanking, and Vietnam, Long Time Coming.

SnagFilms Founding CEO Rick Allen wrote about the project on The Huffington Post.

Sadly, just as Christmas and Hanukkah for far too many have become associated with nothing so much as shopping and parties, Memorial Day for some has been bleached of meaning, merely the first of summer's three long weekends, kicked off by the Indy 500. When that checkered flag drops at the Brickyard, the season of Hollywood blockbusters will have already commenced, with Avatars battling Monsters vs. Aliens for box office supremacy. But it is up to each of us to engage in the bigger battle, for mindshare and individual action -- and Memorial Day is a great first beachhead...

...That's why SnagFilms is presenting a slate of films this Memorial Day weekend that enable us all to honor the fallen, and to reflect on our own duties of remembrance and conduct. As always, the non-fiction films we offer are free to view online, and you can easily "snag" any widget from the SnagFilms site to create a "virtual movie theater" on your own website, blog, or page on Facebook, MySpace or other social network...

You can see all of the Memorial Day-focused films, grab the widget for your own site and more on SnagFilms.

Also, read about our special alliance with SnagFilms here.