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Covering the latest quick bites from IDA and the world of documentary.

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A political take on 'National Parks,' CineVegas canceled, a fun doc slideshow, more.
Award-winning doc about troop greeters in Maine gets a VIP audience.
The post-arrest debate rages online...prosecutor admits to lying in Polanski doc...a sequel in the works...
April Fool's!
Michael Moore's latest claims highest per-screen average of the year.
Guitar summit doc joins the $1 million club. Plus, 'Capitalism' good for business.
Variety paywall, 'This is It' Trailer, 'Life' is Dead and more.
Click to article featuring Michael Moore and Overture Films CEO Chris McGurk
$500,000 to Maker of 'Iraq in Fragments,' 'Sari's Mother'
HBO earns two for 'Taxi to the Dark Side'