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Educational Seminars

Our year-round series of seminars, panels and workshops focusing on the art, craft and business of documentary filmmaking. Become an IDA member to access previous seminars online.

Join us for the latest installment of our Master Class series with writer Mark Monroe, whose work on such high profile documentaries such as The Cove and Fed Up has made him the "go-to" writer and indispensable collaborator for numerous top documentary producers and directors.

Is writing a key component of your documentary film and nonfiction projects? The Writers Guild of America, West is available to you as a resource and to help sustain writing careers through contractual benefits and protections. Find out what the Writers Guild offers you or writers you are seeking to

Expanding the documentary pie has always been the dream for both documentary filmmakers and enthusiasts alike. With the recent explosion of non-fiction series, that dream may be coming true. Just about every week, the press announces the launch of a new docu-series—many affiliated with prominent

Doc U: Selling Your Doc Sales Agents’ Tips and Tales Tuesday, February 25, 2014 Discussion & Audience Q&A: 7:00pm - 8:30pm The Cinefamily611 N. Fairfax Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90036 Admit it. You want to sell your documentary. You worked on it for years, went into debt over it, agonized over every

Your cinematographer will make or break your film. No other relationship is more central to the success of your project than this one, and, yet, the skills, tools, and insights of cinematographers are somewhat mysterious to the rest of us. No more. Whether you are a shooter yourself or a documentary filmmaker who has never picked up a camera, your work will benefit immensely from this Doc U spotlighting the art and craft of cinematography from the point of view of some of the top shooters in documentary today.

Great documentaries are made, not born, and the place where that happens is in the editing room. A good editor can save a documentary director's neck; a great one can make a director look like a genius. So, who are these saviors and alchemists and what special storytelling skills do they have that filmmakers can benefit from?

Sound and music are critically important ingredients in any documentary's success, but are all-too-often overlooked or neglected. This intensive workshop will discuss best practices and creative possibilities in audio from the beginning of your filmmaking process to the end: starting with location audio and sound design, through original music and licensing, and culminating in the final mix and mastering. Filmmakers and industry experts will give practical advice and share their knowledge to give you the tools for creating the best soundscape for your film.

Securing funding for your documentary is a challenge for filmmakers at all stages in their career. Documentary filmmakers must embrace various and evolving strategies for securing revenue. But funding institutions can also be valued partners in the filmmaking process.

Documentary filmmakers are faced with the challenge of presenting large quantities of complex data in a visually interesting way. Graphics and animation can provide an engaging way to achieve this goal. Well conceived graphics not only get your point across in your story, they can also form the foundation of the branded elements for your film.

Documentaries succeed when viewers feel a connection to their subjects. Archival footage can provide the means to delve deep into the stories and history of a film's characters by bringing the past to life and contextualizing current events. Powerful moments, iconic scenes, and historic figures lend their voice to the message in your film. Whether you're making a historical documentary, referencing a current event, or doing an in-depth profile, archival footage can connect the dots and forge a connection with the viewer.