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“Exquisite Wasteland” shatters the popular myth that deserts are lifeless, barren, and worthless. In fact, they are home to astonishing biodiversity

At the heart of this documentary is the connection between horse and man – and by extension nature and humanity. From prehistoric times to the modern

My father was a priest and my mother was a nun. This is their story.

Meet the greatest artist you've never heard of. In 1937, William Edmondson became the first African American to earn a solo exhibit at New York's

When fairy homes mysteriously appear in a suburban forest, four women, driven by unquelled curiosity about the origin of this whimsy, find that

Black Hair Empire is the untold story of the rise and fall of the African American dominated hair care industry, from post-slavery to the current day. It is the saga of four generations of African-Americans who forged their imprint into American business, their influence upon popular culture, and the fight for racial equality and economic parity.

As the Western frontier closed, America sought to forcibly re-educate Native Americans at Indian Boarding Schools. Their motto was “Kill The Indian To

Location Vacation is a new travel series that takes you "on location" around the world to where your favorite movies and TV shows were filmed. Do you

Over five million Americans have some form of bipolar disorder...and all of us are touched by it. OF TWO MINDS explores what it really feels like to