Alexander Porter, Speaker
Ana Herruzo, Speaker
Martin Shelton, Speaker
Nicholas Pilarski, Moderator
Abby Sun, Moderator
Sally Volkmann, Moderator
As our everyday lives become progressively computational, the majority of our actions are increasingly trackable. This presents new challenges, ethical concerns, and emerging production realities that documentary practitioners must navigate. IDA’s SPECTRES is a two-part forum with documentary producers, directors, academics, and security experts that attempts to demystify digital security and its need within documentary production. This series will culminate in a best practices field guide for documentarians and a burner OS that allows makers to ingest, edit, and communicate securely.
As the second and final installment of the series, SPECTRES: Becoming a Ghost we will investigate what it actually takes to make your digital footprint as discrete as possible. The SPECTRES team will provide a step-by-step guide on how to conduct a digital audit of your pre production, production, and post production workflows - removing the anxiety over vulnerability so you can prioritize creativity. Time will be dedicated to discuss how emerging documentary forms such as augmented, virtual, and mixed reality open up additional vulnerabilities and give an overview of our burner OS that is in development to shield your presence in the field.
The event will be moderated by Abby Sun and Nicholas Pilarski, a documentary director and Associate Professor of Emerging Media who runs a laboratory at ASU that investigates resilient computational media and ethical narrative practices.
The event will require registration and will be recorded for internal purposes only. If you have any serious security concerns, we recommend you to please log in on a dummy Zoom account. Identity defining data will not be collected by the IDA. Filmmakers with projects at any stage are encouraged to attend.