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March 6, 2023

IDA Workshop: Developing Engaging Stories

When presented with a seemingly infinite number of possibilities, documentary filmmakers sometimes find themselves frozen in indecision about the direction of their project. In those moments of indecision, the emotional core of the film can get lost. In this 2-hour event, dual Emmy award-winning filmmaker Geoffrey Smith will help attendees to unearth “the beating heart of their film story, and to draw the most clarity, emotion, and drama from it.” Read more here

Hosted by two current Getting Real Fellows, this session will begin with a talk that explores the history and utility of story archetypes. In Smith’s view, archetypes give filmmakers “a basic roadmap of the key emotional and psychological tentpoles.” This understanding could lead to wider audiences attracted to emotional themes, a clearer story before production or shooting begins, and an easier time describing your project to financiers, gatekeepers, and others. Following the talk, IDA’s Manager of Artist Programs, Gabriella Ortega Ricketts, will engage Smith in a freewheeling conversation about how filmmakers can adapt the concepts of story archetypes to a diverse range of documentary filmmaking practices. This session will conclude with an audience Q&A and 30 minutes of community-building breakout sessions, including ones hosted by Freetown Media in Sierra Leone and the Charlotte Unconventional Film School.