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A Love Song for Latasha, the Academy Award-nominated short from Sophia Nahli Allison, opens with the rewind of a VCR tape image, a slow breath of
The issue of ethics has driven the documentary field in various ways and in various degrees of emphases and urgency since the beginnings of the art
On Day 3 of Getting Real ‘20, we joined the breakout session “ Counteracting Extractive Storytelling In The American South And In Global Communities
As a graduate student at U.C. Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism, I was required to take a class on law and ethics (students still are). As a
Editor’s Note: Filmmaker Lisa Valencia-Svensson was invited to deliver a keynote address at Hot Docs this past spring. What follows is an abbreviated
If news media is to be believed, America is currently besieged by a state of nearly intractable divisiveness that some believe may be signaling the
Editor’s Note: Chi-hui Yang is program officer at Ford Foundation’s JustFilms initiative. What follows is an edited version of his keynote address at
A thirty-year veteran in the documentary field, Kirsten Johnson has received numerous accolades for her documentary films, Derrida, Darfur Now, Pray
For this column at least, January has become what I'll call "mental differentness" (as opposed to "illness" or "disability") month—a chance to
Editor's Note: Lauren Wissot had interviewed Sterlin Harjo for the article she wrote for the Fall 2017 issue, entitled " Whose Story? Five Doc-Makers