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The 18th annual Full Frame Documentary Film Festival, which ran April 9 through 12 in Durham, NC, was a four-day fest crammed with documentaries
Documentarians face quandaries at every phase of the process. Is it ethical to film this subject? What footage do I include? Do I have a "right" to
This article was co-authored by Chris Palmer and filmmaker Shannon Lawrence. Documentary filmmaking requires acknowledgement and application of
One of your characters confesses a life-changing secret to his wife while you're filming—should you use it? Your character said something terrific in
Filmmaker Ross Kauffman has worked in the film industry for more than two decades. His directing credits include the Academy Award-winning Born Into
Documentary filmmaker Andrew Jarecki knew he had something special with his first feature-length documentary, Capturing the Friedmans, released
Dear Editor, I just read Melissa Hook's article ("The Real CSI: Are Crime Victims Being Re-Victimized by Filmmakers?") in the February-March 2004
A battle is brewing between victims and filmmakers over the use of crime stories for documentary films and reality television. Victims/survivors are
The Sundance Film Festival is an amazing, wild ride, with so many screenings, panels and events taking place simultaneously that it's tough to choose
by Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady Alfred Hitchcock said, "Drama is life with the dull bits cut out." As two filmmakers who take years to complete each