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A new opportunity for Australian documentary filmmakers.
Chicken & Egg Pictures and Cinereach emphasize niche marketing and mentoring, in addition to grants.
Filmmaker Paul Devlin hates fundraising. He would never solicit donations in a newsletter to friends and fans; he considers it an improper imposition
Towards a Sustainable Model for Social Issue Filmmakers
Your tax dollars at work: A brief guide to federal funding agencies.
Making a film is a huge undertaking, and definitely not for the faint of heart. A major part of the work--more than you ever imagined--is the process
Editor's note: A revised, updated look at documentary budgeting is available in the Winter 2019 issue, adapted from the session Getting Real '18
On Saturday, September 27, 2008, I attended “The Documentary Marketplace” panel at Film Independent’s Filmmaker Forum, which was held in Los Angeles
Faith, hope and charity: A long walk down funder’s alley.