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In 1999, I called up R.J. Cutler, and I puzzled when he answered the phone, saying, "Actual Reality," which is what he'd christened his production
Editor's note: James Miller, the producer/DP of Beneath the Veil and director/DP of Unholy War , was killed in the Gaza Strip (Occupioed Palestinian
by Joseph E. Miller and Barbara Leigh Gregson Robert Guenette, Emmy Award-winning writer, producer and director who produced documentaries for CBS
Author, educator and filmmaker Michael Rabiger sees a bright future for the documentary. "There has never been a better time to become a documentarian
It's difficult to get too far along in a discussion about British documentaries without Kim Longinotto's name coming up. Over the last 20 years she
Innovation and excellence demand more than talent, which in itself is an uncommon attribute. They require that extraordinary intellectual or creative
Celebrating and Preserving the Latino Experience–His Own Way
Ricky Leacock tells the following story about Robert Flaherty: "Flaherty was filming in the Arctic when he saw a man carving a piece of wood. He asked
Working with one's domestic partner can be tricky--especially when the couple has an infant. Five minutes after finishing our documentary Horns and