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Covering the latest quick bites from IDA and the world of documentary.

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Filmmaker Richard Rowley talks about taking a man typically comfortable in the background and making him the star of his documentary.
KCRW’s Matt Holzman sat down with Lucy Walker, Kevin Pearce, and his brother Adam after the screening to discuss using this project to discuss important issues.
In what is sure to be remembered as this decade's An Inconvenient Truth, Jacob Kornbluth's documentary feature debut Inequality for All tackles the increasingly unbalanced distribution of wealth among...
You have an idea for a great documentary. You've done your preliminary research and are almost ready to get going. But you still need funds to start the filmmaking process. So what's the best way to...
We are thrilled to name those individuals set to receive top honorary awards for the 2013 IDA Documentary Awards. The awards will be presented at the 29th Annual IDA Documentary Awards on Friday...
Ken Jacobson recently came on board as IDA's director of educational programs and strategic partnerships—a new position created to accommodate a critical pillar of IDA's core mission: education. Ken...
We recently offered up some tips for how to incorporate archival footage into your documentary, which can really come in handy when you want to reference an event that happened in the past. But what...
The IDA is thrilled to announce the initial slate of films for its IDA Documentary Screening Series. Launching September 26 at The Landmark Theater with Inequality for All, the series will screen some...
The following letter was emailed from the IDA to John Baird, Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs, on behalf of detained documentary filmmaker John Greyson this morning. He is being held in Cairo...
The fall granting cycle is right around the corner so we've listed a few opportunities that we think will be of interest to you. As with every funding application, be sure to read over the guidelines and requirements carefully to make sure your documentary is a good fit prior to applying. If you have questions along the way, contact a grant officer at the organization. They're there to help you determine if your film is right for the grant and to answer questions about the application process itself. Remember that