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Covering the latest quick bites from IDA and the world of documentary.

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It might not be until after you’re done in the field and have wrapped your interviews that you realize you’ll need some extra footage you just can’t capture yourself. Want shots of a bustling street...
All of us at the IDA are thrilled to have FirstCom Music and Brooks Institute as sponsors of our newest program, the IDA Documentary Screening Series, launching this Fall at the Landmark Theater in...
New partnerships forged for the IDA Documentary Screening Series.
The summer granting cycle is open! Although they are competitive, grants are a great way to round out that ever growing budget. We've listed a few of our favorite documentary specific grants that are...
Your shoulders and back ache; you've eaten way too much junk food and gotten far too little sunlight and exercise in the last few months. The obvious perils of the documentary edit. You and your...
For decades both documentary filmmakers and lovers of the documentary art form have relied on the Public Broadcasting Service to provide a forum where the best nonfiction work can reach the audience...
The International Documentary Association has moved offices in Los Angeles. Please update your fundraising materials, both print and online, and make sure your donors have our new address. New Address...
As part of our ongoing Doc U educational series, we brought together the best fair use lawyers and researchers to help you understand what the DMCA exemption means for your non-fiction film.
Grant to IDA one of 817 NEA Art Works grants totaling $26.3 million in funding nationwide.
The IDA is happy to announce the launch of the IDA Documentary Screening Series, invitation-only screenings of fifteen documentary features to take place annually between September and January. The...