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Doc U: Documentary Producing Workshops with Mitchell Block - Day 1

The Writers Boot Camp, 2525 Michigan Avenue, Building I, Santa Monica CA 90404

Part of the 2011 Doc U Seminar series.

Financing and Producing Documentary Programs with Mitchell Block- (Day 1) 
Sat. Sept. 24, 9:30am - 4:30pm at The Writers Boot Camp

Learn to design and get funding to make your documentary. Explore the ins and outs of both for-profit and not-for profit fundraising, distribution, and marketing opportunities. Learn how to best package your work to attract funding, get rights, putting together the strongest package, do presales, structure the right business form, and more. 

Share your ideas or projects at any stage of production and have them evaluated as part of the class. 

Part ONE
Look at public sector funding. Grants from government agencies, working with local and national public television stations. Working with PBS and CPB. How to work with foundations to tap into the hundred of millions of dollars available for grants and support of media. How to work with for profits to get funding for projects. A look at business structures. Case studies will cover grant writing, business plans and proposal writing for documentaries.

Part TWO
We will look at private sector funding. Business plans, private placements, offerings. How to design a project to attract funding. What is the exit plan? How to work with venture capitalists. Collaborate and partner with cable and other broadcast entities. Presales on a global basis. How much your project is worth? Where to go to sell and pitch. How to pitch, develop, and protect your idea. Learn how to pitch and who to pitch to.

Block will answer specific questions on funding for individual projects time permitting.

Cost of seminar includes numerous handouts. Specific case studies will be covered that show in a step-by-step manner how to finance documentary films. 

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