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Doc U: Writing for the Non-Fiction Screen

The Cinefamily, 611 N. Fairfax Avenue, Los Angeles CA 90036

The International Documentary Association 

Doc U: Writing for the Non-Fiction Screen

Monday, September 19, 2011 
In Los Angeles at The Cinefamily

There's a lot more to the job of a professional documentary writer than churning out a voiceover script. The writer is ultimately responsible for bringing a concept to life on the page so it can make it up on the screen. We invite you to join moderator Sara Hutchison (writer/producer and IDA Board Executive Member) and a panel of experts, including writer/producer and IDA Board Member Steven Reich (Avalanche: The White Death), writer/producer Sharon Wood (The Celluloid Closet), writer/producer P.G. Morgan (Revenge of the Electric Car), and writer/director/producer Freida Lee Mock (Wrestling with Angels: Playwright Tony Kushner, Maya Lin: A Strong Clear Vision) as we look at the role of writing in nonfiction storytelling.

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