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Over the course of one hot summer, through intimate time spent with the locals of Emery County, Utah, a story is woven about life in this sparse

The story from inside the secretive community of Northern California's redwoods where almost everybody is involved in one of the most profitable cash

THE GREAT FOREST (working title) follows conservationists throughout southern Appalachia as they struggle to conserve two of the most biodiverse and

The untold story of the global plastic crisis as demonstrated through the microcosm of the island of Bali. Plastic Diamond travels from the gates of

The Alliance of Documentary Editors (ADE) is a working group of documentary film and television editors and assistant editors nationwide that

At Standing Rock, a two-spirit Jicarilla Apache/Navajo youth leader, a Lakota matriarch, and a non-binary Appalachian join the resistance against the

For 30 years, Shige Suganuma and Chico Kodama, two Japanese hotrodders, built Mooneyes, an iconic American speed equipment & custom accessories

The stories written about Detroit often say that the city was great, died, and has now comeback. “Comeback" glosses over its 650,000 citizens. Or they

France / USA | 90 minutes | in English | To be competed in 2022 ~~~ A filmmaker searches for the truth about her grandfather Edward Jones, a legendary