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In 1989, Jim Klages - former cornet soloist of "The President's Own" United States Marine Band - was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, which prompted

"History is biography writ large." The same is true of health care. Many of the triumphs and advances in health care delivery in the developing world

"Thanks for the Mammaries, Bettina Hubby" is a feature length documentary about Los Angeles artist Bettina Hubby's diagnosis with breast cancer and

"Sound is 50% of the cinematic experience" is a frequent expression of top filmmakers like Francis Ford Coppola, George Lucas, David Lynch, and Steven

On January 22, 1959 the river broke into the mines... At the direction of the Knox Coal Company miners illegally dug too close to the underbelly of

THE MONSTER is a feature documentary about Paige Tolmach's journey to uncover the truth and institute change. Told from her POV, Paige tells us the

Spanning 8-years, this intimate documentary follows SARAH and her family of seven siblings in their rural Missouri home, bearing witness to their

At one time home birth was the norm and hospital birth was the exception. Now, nearly 99% of births in America take place in hospitals. With the

When Texas cut $5.4 billion from public schools, it affected 5 million students and made Texas 49th in the country in per pupil spending. Texans

“Everything is connected,” as he says – John Kaizan Neptune’s passion for surfing brought him to Hawaii where he discovered a musical instrument that