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Burgeoning young dancers, from The Juilliard School, leave their New York City lives to teach students in the Philippine Islands. This coming of age

A filmmaker discovers four siblings conceived through a donor using a DNA test. They journey across the United States to form a modern family while

A psychological docu-thriller, Paraíso Tropical investigates the mysteries and unsolved questions of a terrorist attack in Latin America–one that had

An uplifting and heartfelt, one-hour, Verite docu-series, following America’s premiere operatic countertenor, the astonishingly talented John Holiday

Tipping Point PA follows three progressive candidate/activists in Pennsylvania’s heartland who are waging the battle of ideals that will determine the

Trading Gifts is about the impact, history and future of trade between two partners - African nations and the United States of America, in a world

A 31-year-old Mexican immigrant, trapped in daily conflict with his limbs due to cerebral palsy, strives to become a samurai. In a voice only his

In the face of America’s increasingly powerful corporate class, young Starbucks employees have set in motion a unionization campaign that has swept

Minnie endured years of abuse working in the American porn industry. Despite escaping with only her life, she is haunted by trauma that presents in

The Little Tokyo Social Club was where members of the Japanese Community met to have social dances, singing, current events and meeting halls to