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IDA Events News & Recaps

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A detailed recap of our recent all-business event in Los Angeles, complete with photos!
Detailed recap of our recent event in Los Angeles about the little gold man and his future.
Our first Doc U seminar of 2012 was all about fair use.
Our last Doc U seminar of the year focused on the art of the interview.
Special Correspondent Deepthi Welaratna covered this Doc U seminar at POV in Brooklyn
Doc U's first stop in Washington, DC asked if your doc can really change the world.
"The media is owned by three people. A lot of stories aren’t covered. I think documentary makers are amongst the last bastion of independent reporting. It’s harder and harder to do what we do." - Joe Berlinger On Monday, October 17, documentary filmmaker Joe Berlinger ( Crude, Brother's Keeper, Metallica: Some Kind of Monster) met members of the documentary community at Cinefamily at the Silent Movie Theater to watch his most recent film, Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory. This three-part documentary series is unique to the genre - it revisits its subjects year down the road, turning from an
Take a look inside our recent event at The Standard Hotel Downtown.
Our recent Doc U proves that writers love to talk about writing!
Twenty-five long-format documentary films in under a month. That was the deal. No pay. Imagine that. All you get for the effort is the prestige that comes along with participation. After screening, notes, scoring and submissions, it was almost two weeks of intense, focused, academic-style work. I was one of the volunteer screeners for this year's IDA Documentary Awards. Documentary filmmaking affords a great deal of liberty in life, which more than likely will not include a mortgage in Southern California. In this case, since I was unemployed at the time and had no immediate gig on the horizon