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Cinema Eye Noms Announced

By Rachel Kamerman

John Waters once wrote that he wished he could make a film in which the crowd scenes contained only famous people.

The documentary version of that occurred on January 19 with Thom Powers and AJ Schnack's announcement of the nominees for this year's Cinema Eye Awards, in the Absolut section of the Queer Lounge simply wall to wall with some of the most notable nonfic filmmakers and tastemakers in the world. Powers and Schnack, with help co-presenters/advisors Joe Berlinger and Laura Poitras, revealed an impressive slate of films spanning the last year, recognizing overall achievement as well as artistry in music, animation, and production (that's right - producers! In documentaries, there's more than meets the Cinema Eye). Joe Berlinger, here with his new film Crude, acknowledged his support of the CE's recognition of the craft of filmmaking, and not simply the merit of the subject matter.

A full list of nominees appears here on AJ's All These Wonderful Things blog.

And here's a pic snapped by yours truly of Schnack In Action (Schnack-tion?):

Plus, here is a video of the announcement: