Harriet Hirshorn, Director/Producer
Mary Patierno, Producer

About the Project
Nothing Without Us: The Women Who Will End AIDS is a 67 minute documentary that tells a story that has never been told: the vital role that women have played - and continue to play - in the global fight against HIV/AIDS.
Combining archival footage and interviews with female activists, and scholars in the U.S. and Africa, Nothing Without Us reveals how women not only shaped grassroots groups like ACT-UP in the U.S., but have always been leaders in the treatment access movement and HIV prevention throughout sub-Saharan Africa. The documentary also explores the unaddressed dynamics that increase women's risk of contracting HIV around the world and introduces the remarkable and inspiring women who have the answers to ending this 30-year old pandemic.
As the history of AIDS activism is being written, women, particularly women of color, are being written out of it. This documentary will be a step in restoring women's crucial role in the history and present-day activism around HIV as well as bolstering the work of women everywhere still fighting for their lives.
Editor: Mary Patierno
Assistant Producer: Donna Binder