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Doc U Point of View: Editors on the Art of Storytelling

The Cinefamily, 611 N. Fairfax Avenue, Los Angeles CA 90036

Doc U Point of View:
Editors on the Art of Storytelling

Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Discussion & Audience Q&A: 7:30pm - 9:00pm

The Cinefamily - 611 N. Fairfax Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90036

Great documentaries are made, not born, and the place where that happens is in the editing room. A good editor can save a documentary director's neck; a great one can make a director look like a genius. So, who are these saviors and alchemists and what special storytelling skills do they have that filmmakers can benefit from?

Join us for a lively and illuminating discussion with high caliber editors moderated by Emmy-nominated editor Lillian Benson, A.C.E. (Eyes on the Prize II, Bridging the Divide—Tom Bradley and the Politics of Race). Confirmed panelists: Johanna Demetrakas (Crazy Wisdom: The Life & Times of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Angels in the Dust), Maya Hawke (Plimpton! Starring George Plimpton as Himself, Cave of Forgotten Dreams), Yaffa Lerea (Project Runway, Ken Burns' Baseball), and Kim Roberts, A.C.E. (Inequality for All, Last Call at the Oasis).