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GROUND OPERATIONS: Battlefields to Farmfields

  • Dulanie Ellis, Director
  • Dulanie Ellis and Raymond Singer, Producer

About the Project

America's war veterans are coming home. Without their unit's camaraderie and a sense of mission, recovery from the wounds of war takes a toll. Every 80 minutes, a veteran commits suicide.

GROUND OPERATIONS: Battlefields to Farmfields, champions the growing number of returning veterans who are becoming organic farmers. These veterans are reclaiming their lives, regenerating our soil and rural communities, and restoring local access to fresh food.

A former Marine, currently a grass-fed livestock producer, tells us, "Working with living plants and animals, I'm a nurturer, instead of a destroyer, and that's a significant realization for me." A wounded soldier made a promise to God, "If you get me back alive to see my family, I promise, I will make my life worth saving." He offers emotional sanctuary and job training in organic blueberry farming to fellow veterans. Another Marine teaches hydroponics, encouraging veterans to start farms inside abandoned inner city warehouses.

GROUND OPERATIONS: Battlefields to Farmfields is a story of passion, healing and hope. Exchanging the battlefield for the farm field, veterans have self-started a new mission of service protecting America's food supply, health and national security.