Trisha Ziff, Director
Alejandro Springall, Producer
Trisha Ziff , Producer
About the Project
PIRATE COPY : A road movie through the world of film pirateria
Pirate Copy is a 90-minute documentary that tells the story of piracy in the age of digital reproduction of film, from a global perspective. This documentary examines the complex issues of artistic and intellectual property rights as well as access to culture depending on who you are and where you are situated in the world.
Pirate Copy will look at those who produce and distribute pirate film as well as purchase and download, will look at what is being done to control piracy as well as looking at those who support it and why? We will be filming in Los Angeles,Lagos and Brooklyn, Mumbai and Bradford, Mexico City, Cuba and the Arab Emirates. Piracy is a global phenomena.
PIRATE COPY will leave the audience confronting their own dilemma push that button and download for free! Or buy the bootleg! Or perhaps now think first what that action implies for the filmmakers.