Gregg Jamback, Director
Jamie Huss, Producer
Gregg Jamback, Producer

About the Project
Every exoneration story has a lesson.
With 2,220,300 of our citizens incarcerated, the United States has the largest prison population in the world. Experts believe five percent of those prisoners- over 110,000 - are innocent.
Since its creation, nine innocent men have been released through the North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission (NCIIC) process. These are prisoners who had exhausted all of their legal remedies. They were, most likely, going to die in jail or be paroled at an old age with a felony conviction on their record – severely limiting their ability to work and participate in society.
Greg’s story is important because it helps citizens better understand the cost of wrongful incarceration.
It’s impactful because, maybe, someone who watches Greg’s story will be a bit more attentive and more questioning when they, as a juror, are holding someone else’s future in their hands.
And, it’s moving because it celebrates the story of one man who gained his freedom after all possible hope was lost... allowing Greg to return to his community, get a job, participate in society, and help raise his grandchildren.
It’s CRITICAL because the NCIIC is a model that other states can and should use to find the truth.