The War on Women
Wayne Schoenfeld, Director/Producer
John Grimshaw, Director/Producer
Mailis Burgaud, Producer

About the Project
Throughout the world, incidences of violence against women are increasing at alarming levels. The United Nations estimates as many as 200 million women and girls will be the victim of violence in 2015. This disturbing trend crosses socio-economic boundaries and is found in industrialized, as well as, developing nations.
Poverty, ignorance, cultural beliefs and history are but some of the contributing factors in how societies treat women. In some countries, centuries-old traditions and government policies dictate the ongoing struggle to be female.
Starting off in the United States, The War on Women explores the issue through personal stories told by those affected by violence and abuse with candid descriptions of their experiences and how it has changed their lives. It asks why. Why in our modern world is this happening? Why does it seem that relatively little is being done? What larger societal issues are at play?
Global experts and activists weigh in to advocate paths toward change while discussing the lack of long-term effective action against this crisis. We'll also meet organizations and individuals involved in solving the issue, through education, outreach and intervention, providing an inspiring story of hope for the future.