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In Missoula, Montana, a town surrounded by mountains, people line up around the block, in freezing weather, to watch films by local favorites, as well
I think the best description I've heard of the RealScreen Summit is that it resembles the now iconographic "bar scene" in the first Star Wars movie
What is a documentary film but the search for a truth or a representation of reality, past and present? In this pursuit, a director can take any
Government elections and cultural events don't always go hand in hand. This year's Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival in Greece was rescheduled to
Ayuko Babu's passion for international cinema began when he was 13 years old. On the way home from playing basketball one summer with friends in
Heading to Finland voluntarily in the middle of winter might seem a crazy move, but if your destination is the DocPoint—Helsinki Documentary Film
Full Frame Documentary Film Festival is arguably the Cannes of documentary film festivals. It has always been a very polished organization, largely
A baby upstart festival dedicated to including every possible type of documentary when CPH:DOX sprang up in 2003, the annual festival in Denmark is
The 7th Annual Old Dominion University (ODU) Film and Video Festival, "Stranger than Fiction: Framing Reality in Film and Television," took place last