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After a harsh winter, the coming of spring in New York City this year occasioned a joyful grin, even from the most ill-tempered New Yorkers. This
Does the world really need yet another film festival? Even one that has noble social and aesthetic purposes, along with strong community support? Even
Happy 40th birthday to the oldest film festival in the Americas. Documentaries at the 1997 San Francisco International Film Festival (April 24-May 8)
If a single word can summarize the theme of the major documentaries at the 47th annual Berlin International Film Festival, last February, that word
Amidst all the black leather jackets, cell phones, pagers, rental cars, and gala soirees, documentaries manage more than just a niche at Park City's
The annual Margaret Mead Film and Video Festival, named for the renowned anthropologist and social activist, celebrated its twentieth birthday last
It's difficult to separate the Dallas Video Festival from that of the personality of its founder and guiding force, IDA member Barton Weiss. Truly
Politics was in the air last June during the 6th Petersburg Festival, which still bears its original title, "Message to Man." The Festival, once a
The worldwide proliferation of new documentaries has meant that festival programmers today have increased riches to draw upon, in their bid for
There's a new festival in town! It all started in November 1995 when Lyall Bush, with the support of the Washington Commission for the Humanities