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For 18 years, Cinema du Réel, the international festival of ethno­graphic and sociological films, has been revealing the world in all its diversity
For one week in February of this year, nearly 1.700 Houstonians and visitors were treated to the First Houston Pan-Cultural Film Festival. sponsored
Toronto has the most international selection. London has the most eclectic. And Los Angeles has...the most. No, not restaurants. Primetime
Who would have predicted that a seventy-something Iowa farmer­—the subject of a documentary made by his daughter, no less—would emerge as one of the
For one week in February of this year, nearly 1,700 Houstonians and visitors were treated to the First Houston Pan-Cultural Film Festival, sponsored
Japan's biennial celebration of documentary cinema, the Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival, ended its fourth week long event on October
Preceded by the "In and Out of the Cold" documentary screening series, the 2nd International Documentary Congress, and the 11th Annual IDA Awards Gala
Some film festivals have a simple goal: to showcase worthy films to as large an audience as possible. But the organizers of the Rio Cinema Festival
Human Rights Watch—the largest U.S.-based organization devoted to safeguarding human rights internationally—founded its annual film and video festival
Despite hard times in the former Soviet Union, St. Petersburg in spring and summer is getting to be film festival city. This year, Russia's shimmering