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The 2014 Fall granting cycle is full of opportunities! Several of the major players like NEH, ITVS and Tribeca are open for submissions, offering
Find your way through the maze of different crowdfunding platforms, decide when and how to launch, what perks to make available, how to build a team, and what fundraising goal to set.
Have you ever wished for a direct line to a funder? IDA is launching a new initiative called #FunderFriday that makes your wish come true. Our members
A review of Carole Lee Dean's 'The Art of Funding: Alternative Financing Concepts'
Follow the funding life-cycle for American Winter, including the filmmakers' success with grant funding, crowd funding, and family foundations.
Here is our all-inclusive crowdfunding tool kit to better help you navigate the maze of this rapidly growing fundraising strategy.
In the 1980s, with a global communications revolution raging in the cable television industry, everyone was keeping his or her eye on the year 1984
You have an idea for a great documentary. You've done your preliminary research and are almost ready to get going. But you still need funds to start
Just a few years ago, a Kickstarter campaign was a strange, exotic scheme. However, with traditional funding streams drying up, doc filmmakers began
The struggle behind re-releasing 'Eyes on the Prize.'