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A review of the third edition of Morrie Warshawski's 'Shaking the Money Tree.'
Courtesy of San Francisco Convention & Visitors Bureau The San Francisco Bay Area has long been known as the mecca for documentary filmmaking. Ever
Fiscal Sponsorship programs at nonprofit organizations.
I am frequently asked by students and emerging filmmakers about how to fund their first documentary work, and it is evident that there is a disconnect
In 1991, Doug Block directed The Heck with Hollywood, a documentary that follows the tumultuous journey of three independent filmmakers trying to
Money's been called the lifeblood of politics, and it's clearly a vital ingredient that also brings documentaries to life. No matter how brilliant
Roger Nygard's 'The Nature of Existence' opens June 18 at The Quad Cinema in New York City.
In a mad flurry of falltime activities, Film Independent's Film Forum dominated the Columbus Day weekend docket in Los Angeles with three days of
'The Yes Men Fix the World' DVD Arrives April 1, 2010.