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Getting Real

Transcription of Michele Stephenson's Keynote address from Getting Real '18.
Mixed reality, artificial intelligence and other innovations are rapidly shifting the landscape of media and society. As storytellers, we have a
As a documentary filmmaker with one project in distribution, one in post and one in development, it felt like a perfect moment to attend IDA’s Getting
Reenactments have been a part of documentary since the very beginning of the form: Robert Flaherty's seminal 1922 film Nanook of the North, arguably
Alain Resnais said about Night and Fog, "I want to address the viewer in a critical state…to create a space for contemplation." In the Getting Real
Getting Real 2018 used complementary sessions to examine documentaries as tools for public knowledge and action as well as the policies, best
The #MeToo movement has seen investigations, arrests and convictions across media as the public conversation shifts. For women, things are getting
In 2018, journalism is a dangerous career. Professionals and citizen journalists find themselves attacked on social media, on the phone or in person
The ArcLight Cinema and its surroundings are not typically crowded at 9:00 a.m. on a weekday morning. But over the past three days, the area was
As the conference is named Getting Real and this dispatch is of a more personal nature, my job here is to, yes, keep it real. That’s why I must