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With a $1,000 entry ticket, RealScreen Summit—the annual international conference on "the business of factual programming," held in February in
Berlin, Germany. October 20, 2002. A clear, crisp, cold day, with autumn winds blowing in from the east. At the Intercontinental Hotel on Budapester
It was 6:30 a.m. I knew because I threw my alarm clock across the room trying to squeeze an extra two minutes before the morning wake-up call. Before
MIPDOC, held in Cannes on April 1 and 2, 1998, was the first ever "Reed Midem Organization event" dedicated exclusively to nonfiction television. Reed
So there I was, on my fact finding mission to Cannes, strategizing my inves­tigative assault on MIPCOM '97, armed with a bikini, a champagne bellini
Increasingly becoming one of Europe's more closely watched inter­national docu­mentary festival, France's Vue Sur le Doc and its companion market
It's 9:00 in the morning in the Miramar Palace in San Sebastian in the Basque country on the north coast of Spain. In each of the Miramar's three
Gary Crowdus has the bearing of New York's film intelligentsia, and the credentials to support it. A graduate of New York University's Institute of