An investigative documentary on reparations becomes unexpectedly personal when a filmmaker returns home to Barbados to tell the story of Drax Hall, the oldest continuously-operated sugar plantation in the Americas, recently inherited by a wealthy British politician descended from the slave master who founded it.
IDA Enterprise Documentary Fund Grantee
In the pristine mountains of Montenegro, a semi-nomadic mother and daughter defend their herding tradition and their land from becoming a NATO
Since 1948, when the State of Israel was established and its legislature — the Knesset — first convened, Palestinian lawmakers have served alongside Jewish ones. Were we to listen to a curated collection of 3-minute speeches delivered by these indigenous parliamentarians in the congress of their colonizers — like a relay race across the generations and against the political odds — what would we hear?
FOR VENIDA, FOR KALIEF debuts the poetry of Venida Brodnax Browder, mother of Kalief Browder. The film weaves a lyrical and cinematic mosaic of legacy, love, and community resistance, all leading up to the movement to transform Rikers Island—the world’s most notorious jail—into a renewable energy center. The film intertwines spirituality with advocacy, crafting an interplay of visuals, sound and a story that resonates with the soul, offering a bold reimagining of criminal justice storytelling.
Captions Will be Needed is filmmaker Natalia Almada’s cinematic response to living with a rare cancer. A magical-realist, science-fiction documentary about embracing uncertainty during an era that believes in technology's omnipotent power to answer all questions.
When They Were Here is a documentary about the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls crisis on the Blackfeet Reservation in northern Montana
Untitled Policing Documentary is a film like no other, an explosive confessional told from behind the thin blue line, it examines police crime and the
Physics, geology, and democracy collide across the expansive American interior, in a series of vignettes from six candidate sites for a sacrificial