Mexican director Rodrigo Reyes (Mexico City, 1983), makes films deeply grounded in his identity as an immigrant artist, crafting a poetic gaze from the margins, using striking imagery to portray the...
Covering the latest quick bites from IDA and the world of documentary.
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Stacie McClam is a filmmaker and former 10-year educator who has taught across the United States and abroad. Stacie is the Founder of School Dismissed, a film production company focused on exposing K...
To celebrate IDA’s 41st birthday, and in gratitude to the generous community who has championed our important work for so many years, IDA membership at all levels will be discounted by 20% between February 4-11, 2023. Please join us!
IDA is proud to announce the renewal of partnership with Getty Images and new benefits for IDA members! As home to the largest privately owned archive in the world, with over 300 million editorial and...
Afton Quast Saler is a documentary and narrative fiction filmmaker, writer, and performer, who is committed to disability and mental health advocacy through the arts. She started her professional...
IDA management voluntarily recognized Documentary Workers United (DWU), the labor organization formed by IDA bargaining unit employees as part of the Communication Workers of America (CWA Local 9003). The Union and IDA management began negotiating a comprehensive Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).
Jasmín Mara López is a Mexican-American filmmaker living between Los Angeles and New Orleans. Born in the U.S. with familial roots in México, her childhood was affected by issues experienced on both...
BY Kristal Sotomayor & Eddie Hustleby
Screen Time is your curated weekly guide to excellent documentaries and nonfiction programs that you can watch at home. Well, the juries and the people have spoken. The 38th edition of the IDA...
As we get ready to say goodbye to 2022 and welcome 2023, we thought you could spend the holidays watching and learning about some wonderful films and series that are available to stream from the...