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A century after her grandfather claimed his freedom from slavery and the family land, Elsie Herring and her North Carolina community fight the world's

IN THE SUMMER OF 1969 a group of high school students developed a worldwide sport in a parking lot in Maplewood, NJ. They never thought it would grow

Small decisions and actions, like littering a cigarette butt, cumulatively can have a large impact, for better or for worse. After young designer

Amidst an epidemic of the unwarranted use of deadly force by police and a nationwide call for reform, a notorious former officer comes forward for the

Mediha, a teenage Yazidi girl who has recently returned from ISIS captivity, turns her camera on herself to process her trauma while rescuers search for her missing family members. This is the story of the Yazidi genocide and its aftermath, shown through the lens of one young survivor as she confronts her past through personal video diaries, reclaiming her voice and stepping bravely toward the future.

In July of 2014, the documentary Particle Fever was released to the world to great critical acclaim. Filmmaker / Physicist collaborators Mark Levinson

People from opposite sides of the Arizona-Sonora border come together despite economic, health care, and political barriers to create a center of

The story of half million Jews who fought for Central Powers, Germany, Austria-Hungary, in the Great War, has yet to be told. Jews had enjoyed full

The Central Coast Queer Archive Project (CCQAP) is an oral history collaborative that documents the lives of members of the LGBTQ+ community who have