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TamCam Fund is a traveling workshop that mentors kids in under-served communities on how to make documentaries about the issues that are important to

A CLASSY BROAD is the story of an eighty-seven year old woman, MARCIA NASATIR, who transcends generations, a woman with an insatiable curiosity, a

A park-ranger's brutal murder opens the way for a journey into the depths of the illegal charcoal trade in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. A tangled

Shot under extremely dangerous conditions using concealed cameras, The Plastic People captures the humanity in the millions of Mexican American

Analog Cowboys is a feature documentary that tells the story of the creation of the contemporary art scene in Southern California. The film will

BUCK meets BEST IN SHOW. Aged 70, Barbara Woodhouse, the Julia Childs of Animal Husbandry and precursor to Temple Grandin for invention, became a

The Human Touch, a feature documentary film with Andy Goldsworthy directed by Thomas Riedelsheimer, brings together the team that made the

This is a story of Maharaj-ji, a miraculous holy man who lived in India and became famous in the seventies classic Be Here Now, by Ram Dass. It is

A 72-year old man has been roaming the western United States and living outside with his pack mules for over three decades. Despite arrests and

Each November, exotic poultry breeders across America come to Columbus intending to win the Ohio National Poultry Show, considered the Westminster of