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Shola Lynch talks about not wanting to be pigeonholed as the black female filmmaker who only tells stories about black women.
Filmmaker Richard Rowley talks about taking a man typically comfortable in the background and making him the star of his documentary.
KCRW’s Matt Holzman sat down with Lucy Walker, Kevin Pearce, and his brother Adam after the screening to discuss using this project to discuss important issues.
In what is sure to be remembered as this decade's An Inconvenient Truth, Jacob Kornbluth's documentary feature debut Inequality for All tackles the increasingly unbalanced distribution of wealth among America's workers. Developed from the concepts of leading political economist and former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich, the film uses Reich's wealth and poverty course at UC Berkeley as the through line by which the history of income inequality is simplified, explained, and exposed. Inequality for All screened on Thursday, September 26 in Los Angeles to kick off the IDA Documentary
You have an idea for a great documentary. You've done your preliminary research and are almost ready to get going. But you still need funds to start the filmmaking process. So what's the best way to get this process started, and what are the different types of funding grants you can apply for? The participants on our recent panel Doc U: More Than Money—Getting Foundation Support for Your Doc, including the filmmakers from American Winter and funding experts from IDA and The Fledgling Fund, told us 5 things to keep in mind when seeking funding from foundations. 1. Develop a plan to execute your
Veteran filmmaker Amanda Pope asks a panel of filmmakers about their experiences watching stories unfold in front of a camera.
Representatives from two different archives and a filmmaking team spoke to a crowded house at The Cinefamily about how and where to start looking for archival footage.
Filmmakers and film commissioners spoke to the AFCI Locations Show about shooting on foreign soil.
After a major victory was won at PBS, Doc U panelists discuss what's next for public broadcasting.
On Wednesday, April 18, Caroline Libresco, Senior Programmer at the Sundance Film Festival, moderated a discussion with filmmakers Ondi Timoner and Marina Zenovich, whose documentary work not only delivers a powerful message, but also storytelling impact through visual imagery.