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Actual Filmmaker Questions About DocuWeeks

By Peggy Ellithorpe

The Call For Entries for DocuWeeks(TM) just opened up this week and as one might imagine, we're getting a few questions in the office about what we are up to.

So I'm basically going to start posting the questions and answers right here, so that I can keep track for everyone's use, including mine. 

DocuWeeks informal FAQ
  • If our film is selected, which movie theaters  in LA and NY would screen it? 
IDA is currently in process of contracting the theaters we will use, based on the requirements that the screenings take place in the County of Los Angeles and the Borough of Manhattan. As soon as we know, we'll post that info to the website.
  • Where do the proceeds from ticket sales go?  Would we get any portion to help defray the screening costs?
The proceeds from ticket sales go to IDA to help run the program. As you might imagine, it's very expensive to run these sorts of screenings, in regards to managing promotion, publicity, listings, advertisements. We are able to help many documentarians do their theatrical runs with less hassle than 4-walling a theater on your own.  However, many filmmakers opt to just 4-wall a theater themselves, and with that comes the onus to promote, publicize, advertise and list the screenings, as well as handle all technical projection details.  IDA handles those things if you are a part of DocuWeeks. If selected as part of DocuWeeks, you are part of an elite program that less than 20 filmmakers participate in collectively. 
  • Can we submit through Withoutabox?
IDA requires all entries to come in via Withoutabox.
  • We participated in several festivals earlier and distibuted some promocopies, it is now available on torrent resources in Internet.  Is it ‘internet transmission’ and does it mean we can not qualify for Academy Awards?
IDA cannot interpret the Academy rules for you. You must contact The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences® for clarification on torrents. You may call them at (310) 247-3000 or find the complete contact info in the sidebar of the Oscars® website:
  • Is there a reduced application fee for films without distributors in place?
No, the fees are the same, regardless of distribution. It is cheaper to get your film submitted early, though, and more expensive to wait until the last minute.
  • Can a film take part in Docuweek in just one city?  EG, if I have a theatrical run in New York before August 31st, could I just do the LA part of docuweek?

We endeavor to offer spots in both cities to our filmmakers.  However, if you only want to participate in one city over the other, please indicate that in a note to our programmers when you submit your DVDS and apply via  There is no guarantee we'll have a slot for someone who only wants to participate in 1 city of DocuWeeks, but still worth mentioning if that is what you would like to do.

Please make sure you read the rules carefully, because we heard of one filmmaker last year who thought she had already qualified in New York, but found out later that the projection system in the theater that she chose was not allowable as her Academy-qualifying theatrical run.  She was chosen for DocuWeek,  and went on to win an Oscar® in the Short category. 

  • I see the co-op fees for the digital package are $17,000. Is that the amount I would be charged if my movie is selected or will the IDA cover some of those costs?

Co-Op Fees means that is what the filmmaker pays.  IDA covers all other costs above and beyond that.   Here's the text right on the website that refers to the fees and expectation of payment.

  • I have just finished my film.  If selected, what are the costs beyond the Co Op Fees?

Making a run for the Academy Awards® is a large endeavor for any filmmaker. We have made it as reasonably priced as possible for the selected films to participate. Please note, that if your film is selected for DocuWeeks™, you will be expected to cover part of the costs of the theatrical run for your film in New York City and in Los Angeles (Los Angeles only for Shorts.) IDA Co-op Fees cover the showcase costs including theater/projection equipment rental, paid advertising, and general publicity and promotion. Please be prepared in June for selection and be prepared to commit your Co-Op Fees within 2 business days of the offer to participate.

The Co Op Fees do not cover the creation of a a 35mm print or a DCP print. The filmmaker bears the cost of having a DCP created from an HDCAM SR videotape (See AMPAS rules for exact specs). If you prefer to screen on 35mm, then you'd be responsible for delivering that format. 

Since IDA doesn't make 35mm prints or DCP's, we don't quote rates - you'd have to inquire with a post house for rates.  IF you are selected, we will have a DCP post house that you may use, but are not required to use. That info is made available at acceptance.

You do have to decide at submission whether you will screen on 35mm or DCP and include that info inside your mailed in package of DVDs. 

  • Do I pay the fee before the reviewing process, or after I'm accepted into the showcase?

Please note, that if your film is selected for DocuWeeks™, you will be expected to cover part of the costs of the theatrical run for your film in New York City and in Los Angeles (Los Angeles only for Shorts.) IDA Co-op Fees cover the showcase costs including theater/projection equipment rental, paid advertising, and general publicity and promotion. Please be prepared in June for selection and be prepared to commit your Co-Op Fees within 2 business days of the offer to participate. 

  • How many films are selected for screening? 
It's being determined still, but we will select less than 20 films.